Dreams are crazy. I used to have dreams all the time about stuff that ultimately came true, as if I was psychic. Like when I dreamt my parents were getting divorced and they assured me they were not, only to use my dream later in their explanation of how they were getting "separated". But that's for another therapy session. This one was just out of the blue weird, and I didn't even go to sleep drunk!
It started with myself, a girl I used to work with but haven't spoken to or seen in probably 2 years (we'll call her 'Nancy'), her husband, and someone else-I'm not sure who, just one of those cool-I can't see them-but know I know them-this is a weird dream-type people. Anyway, we're all eating and drinking at some bar. I was going to head home and Nancy and her husband convince me to go to some outside place to hang out where I was suppose to distract the dogs in the woods while her husband ran around with a dead rabbit in his hand trying to attract one certain dog. Weird enough yet?
Then all of a sudden he got the 'right' dog and yells RUN! So we all took off to some parking lot. I have no idea what's going on, but of course at the time it all made sense.
I decided to go home from there and walked through another wooded area to get to the parking lot where my Expedition was parked. When I got there, I found about 5 people loading their luggage in it. They didn't believe me it was my car even though I could lock and unlock the doors with my remote.
Eventually they all took their luggage out but were pissed at me for some reason and still didn't believe it was mine.
Then all of a sudden this long-haired blonde girl decided she was going to take the car anyway trying to be funny. I jumped on the running board and was hanging on by pulling her long pony tail as she sped away. She was hauling butt screaming at me to let go and I was dialing 911 on my cell phone in one hand while hanging on to her pony-tail with the other telling her I was calling the cops. She just laughed and sped up more while telling me to let go of her F****** hair!
We passed a cop and he just kept on driving. Then another came so I made her side-swipe into him. THEN he followed us and she decided to stop.
The cop told me they see this all the time so they don't usually stop!??
I got my car back and I assume they arrested her. I went home and then of course woke up thinking, WTF? I haven't see Nancy in years, I should email her.
I did recently see The Dark Knight on IMAX, so that might explain the hanging on the car chase scene, but good luck breaking down the rest!